This exercise was, once again, very familiar for me. I've meditated on my life force before and am quite familiar with it - but it was still quite the experience to knowingly spread it through out my body as usually it seems to have a mind of it's own.
Even though I have meditated on it before, I've never looked into or studied this and it came as a bit of surprise to me that, according to the book, the life force is in the solar plexus chakra which is located between the chest and belly button. I have always, even this time, envisioned my life force in my lower abdomen - actually close to where my uterus is. I'm not sure what this means, but I'm definitely looking into it.
When it comes to my life force itself, I have always seen it as an amber orb of light - not unlike the sun. When I'm meditating on it - as I breathe in I feel a slight swelling pressure and envision the orb swelling. As I breathe out, I feel a slight flutter and see little almost translucent amber butterflies release from the shrinking orb and out into the universe. When it comes to the energy reaching the rest of my body - the orb doesn't move or swell to that size - but instead reaching out sparkling tendrils of amber light that run through my veins. Perhaps the amber color of my life force is the reason why I connect with fire and go for warmer colors, even when it comes to the gems I enjoy such as citrine and, of course, amber.
The most significant part of this for me is the butterflies. I was very close with my great grandmother, who also loved butterflies, and it was something we shared closely. I even have a butterfly necklace that her father made for her during the depression and I didn't start seeing butterflies in my spiritual ventures until after she died. Perhaps it's her way of connecting, or perhaps it's something I hold closer to me than I've yet to realize.
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